For further information, call: Bob Bowersox at 302-540-6102
For Immediate Release
Key West’s Red Barn Theatre will open their remarkable 44th Season in December with an eclectic mix of new plays and familiar faces on stage. Pre-Season tickets and subscriptions are now on sale through their website,
“I’m really excited about this season,” said long-time Artistic Director Joy Hawkins. “It’s very theatrical and risk-taking. We’re doing some new plays that are just out that are timely and funny, and we’re bringing back a new musical show by Christine Mild that I’m really looking forward to.”
Opening the season December 19 and running through January 13, 2024 will be “A Tuna Christmas”, written by Ed Howard, Joe Sears, and Jaston Williams. It’s one of the popular “Tuna” series of plays, and will be a perfect show to point up the holidays. Two of Key West’s most popular and accomplished actors – Brandon Beach and David Black – will star, and between them will bring dozens of characters and voices to life in the hilarious production. It will be directed by Key West playwright/filmmaker/photographer Michael Marrero.
Next up January 30 through February 24 will be the very timely “Potus: Or Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying To Keep Him Alive,” written by Selina Fillinger. The title should tell you all you need to know about the play’s very funny and outrageous skewering of today’s political landscape. Hawkins will direct a Who’s Who cast of Key West’s top actresses – George Dibraud, Susannah Wells, Lauren Thompson, Jessica Miano Kruel, Marjorie Paul Shook, Lynn Clark, and Fritzie Esimond. Variety called the show “a delicious feminist farce…irresistibly funny”, and TimeOutNYcalled it “A broad, zany, old-school comedy.” If you want to laugh ‘til you cry, this is your show.
March 5 – 30, the Red Barn’s Managing Director, Mimi McDonald, will direct the big Off-Broadway and Broadway hit, “The Thanksgiving Play”, written by Larissa FastHorse. Good intentions collide with absurd assumptions in this wickedly funny satire, as a troupe of terminally “woke” teaching artists scrambles to create a pageant that somehow manages to celebrate both Turkey Day and Native American Heritage Month. The show will star Arthur Crocker, Jeremy Zoma, and Elena Devers. The New York Times called the play “…a delicious roasting…”, and the Hollywood Reporter calls it “…very, very funny…a clever satire”.
The season’s final production will be “The Lifespan of a Fact”, written by Jeremy Kareken, David Murrell, and Gordon Farrell. A fact checker and a talented writer at a prominent but sinking New York magazine clash when the former must fact check the latter’s explosive essay that could save the magazine. It’s a comedic yet gripping battle over facts versus truth. What could be more timely?
Two special events will also punctuate this new season. The first will run January 17-20 and feature the return of the very popular vocalist Christine Mild, with her new show, “The Women of Country Music”. Mild, known for her accomplished interpretation of Patsy Cline, will deliver the top hits of the most iconic female singers in the long history of country music. She’ll be accompanied by pianist/arranger Jim Rice, bassist Gary Rivenson, and drummer Gary McDonald.
And the always-popular annual fundraiser for the Red Barn will take place on Sunday, January 14th at the Oldest House, from 5 pm until 9 pm. As always, it will be a themed party, this year being “Life’s A Drag”. Tickets will be $150 and will include a delicious spread catered by Destinations Catering and an open bar. Performances are planned by some of Key West’s most iconic entertainers. Attendees are encouraged to display their best costuming in line with the theme.