The Red Barn Journeys to “Parallel Universes” in Short Attention Span Theatre

For further information, call: Bob Bowersox at 302-540-6102

For Immediate Release

Photo by: Roberta DePiero

Actors: (l to r) Iain Wilcox, Erin McKenna, Arthur Crocker, Susannah Wells, Jeremy Zoma, Cassidy Timms

There are those who believe our universe – the one our planet and galaxy currently exist within – is but one of many such universes, involving multiple dimensions, overlapping times, and repeating histories. While that concept may be hard to wrap your head around, the Red Barn Theatre in Key West may be able to help.

Their perennial favorite production, “Short Attention Span Theatre”, will return to their stage April 7 – 29, with this year’s theme being “Parallel Universes”. It’s an evening of six eclectic new one-act plays, each of which will take a skewed, often hilarious, look at the world (or universes) we live – or may live -- within.

“They’re all comedic plays, but they’re meaty,” said Mimi McDonald, who is executive producing the show. “They’ll make you laugh, but they’ll also make you think.  They’re about things that could happen, or could be, or that make you wonder about reality. The show’s colorful, lots of cool costumes, lots of good music. It’s a great evening if you’re looking for something fun and out of the ordinary.”

McDonald spent a lot of time finding just the right plays for this year’s show. She researched the best new short plays that have won awards from 2021 and beyond, and took advantage of her relationship with Miami’s City Theatre, which is well-known for their short play roster. Each play McDonald chose has its own world and reality, with characters and situations that not only surprise but are highly entertaining.

“The concept of SAST is good writers, good actors, good directors,” she said. “I wanted new things by published writers. And we found them, for sure…David Ives is always good, and Laurie Allen. It’s hard to pick favorites -- they’re all terrific.”

Once again the entire McDonald theatrical clan – Mimi, husband Gary, daughter Amber, and son Jack – will be behind the scenes directing the various plays and creating the clever sets. They’ll be joined by Key West photographer/playwright Mike Marrero.

“Our kids have grown up in the theater,” McDonald said, “and it’s nice to have the youthful perspective on these particular plays. And Mike’s got a real sense of humor too. The audiences are going to be laughing a lot.”

It’s a rich veteran cast of solid Key West favorites they’ll be directing: Susannah Wells, Erin McKenna, Arthur Crocker, Cassidy Timms, Jeremy Zoma, and Iain Wilcox. Expect them to be pushing the envelope far into the parallel universes.

Tickets for “Short Attention Span Theatre: Parallel Universes” are available at or by calling the Red Barn box office at 305-296-9911. Ticketholders for the Opening Night performance on April 7 will be invited to join the cast and crew for a catered Opening Night Reception in the Zabar Courtyard, catered by Michelle Chennault.

The show is sponsored by Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry of the Keys, Design Group Key West, and by grants from Culture Builds Florida, and the Monroe County Tourist Development Council.

Susannah Wells