For further information, call: Bob Bowersox at 302-540-6102
For Immediate Release
“Loved it! So well produced!”
“Loved every second…the actors superb, the technology and synchronization amazing.”
“Loved this worked so well online…brilliantly directed, and fabulously acted.”
These are just a few of the unsolicited email comments from patrons who have viewed the Red Barn Theatre’s smash hit online production of Nora and Delia Ephron’s “Love, Loss and What I Wore,” originally scheduled for just a five-day streaming availability as the first production of their new 41st season of professional theatre
But with a response like that, and more demand for extended viewing options, the Red Barn decided that an extra week of online availability for the show was warranted. So the hilarious play – starring five of Key West’s top actresses – has been extended and will remain available online through 11:59 pm on December 5th. Patrons can visit the theater’s ticketing page on their website at Once the ticket is purchased – at a very reasonable $10 – the patron will receive an email receipt on which is a special “Watch” or “Watch Video” link to the streaming HD video.
The play is a series of monologues and dialogues between a variety of women of various ages, each of whom delivers funny and poignant stories that have been triggered by their individual experiences with clothing throughout their lives. They touch on virtually everything – from their first Brownie dress to their first prom dress, from bathrobes to bras, from shoes to boots to skirts, and the value of anything black. It’s impossible not to relate to their tales, especially if you’re a woman…what they talk about is universal to anyone who has worn just about anything. The stories are personal, intriguing, and ultimately very funny.
Love, Loss and What I Wore stars Amber McDonald Good, Melody G. Moore, Peggy Montgomery, Barbara Mundy, and Susannah Wells. It is directed by Carole MacCartee and produced by Bob Bowersox, who has devised a clever way of using the Zoom interface as the world of the play, while making use of film editing techniques to make the play more visually active.
The production kicks off a full season at the Red Barn, with all of the mainstage productions staged live in an outdoor space in the theater’s Zabar Courtyard. The Love, Loss streaming production is also the kickoff to the theater’s Membership and Subscription drives – a very important part of their operating capital drive. Memberships are available in a number of levels, each with its own percs. Subscriptions are available for their entire 2020-21 season. Single tickets for the are also available.
More information can be found at or by calling 305-296-9911.